It's not often that all my blogs focus on one thing. I keep them separate for a reason. If you follow more then one of them forgive me the multiple posts. But tonight I'm begging you...believer to believer, mama to mama, friend to friend. please pray for Stellan and his family.

If you've never heard of him pop on over by clicking the button. His story is an amazing testament to what a mighty God we serve. Tonight, just like the last few nights I will be on my knees begging God to grant his mother strength to accept His will for her child, and pleading that he will be healed. Please join me and countless others....let our voices be one unified voice bringing this child to the Great Physician.
If you've never heard of him pop on over by clicking the button. His story is an amazing testament to what a mighty God we serve. Tonight, just like the last few nights I will be on my knees begging God to grant his mother strength to accept His will for her child, and pleading that he will be healed. Please join me and countless others....let our voices be one unified voice bringing this child to the Great Physician.