...and preach the good news to all creation."

That's what we are commissioned to do in Mark 16:15 . What a noble goal to have for yourself and your children. Go into ALL the world, and preach the GOOD NEWS...yes Lord let it be so.

But, for them to go INTO ALL the world; shouldn't they first intimately explore the works of His hands? Shouldn't they see His glory, and stand in awe of the goodness He has created for us?

I believe they should. The more I study Nature; the more in Love with God I become. The more His love for us, and our need for Him becomes apparent to me.

Nature Study is a HUGE part of our schooling philosophy, but you already know we follow the CM method so that's nothing new. What is new is how He has seen fit to open my eyes. I went into all this Nature Study time hoping my children would learn more about trees. Instead God has beckoned me clearly....ALL of it....See Me in everything....

SO I am listening.

This year through His guidance and goodness we are covering a heavy science load. BUT, we are hardly using the books I intended to use. We are in 2 co-ops, and both are covering Earth sciences. Both are covering separate areas except on 2 occasions, that happen to coincide. Isn't He good?

We are also doing a double geography study. We are using Paddle-to-the-sea, and A Child's Geography: Explore His Earth. We love them both, but today I want to share some other materials we've been using on our whole Earth study.

We followed the suggestions at the end of chapter one of ACG. We've read the books, and I have an awesome paper mache globe suspended above my desk that I would have never been brave enough to attempt without it.

Our favorite book suggestion from it has been:
Earth from Above for Young Readers by Yann Arthus-Bertrand: for me, the pictures are a must see. They show our home in breathtaking splendor from God's view. you can also see his work here

We also enjoyed:
A House is a House for Me
Children from Australia to Zimbabwe

Its so great to see what a starting point a good living book can be. It spurs you on. It gives you new vital ideas. It opens your eyes, and makes you long to see.

In our attempt to see the home God created for us more clearly we are also reading:
Material World: A Global Family Portrait By Peter Menzel: a reality check for ANY American child.

and last but not least we have been watching the Planet Earth series, and tonight we watched DisneyNatures Earth. I don't know how anyone doubts an intelligent designer after visually experiencing the depth and breadth of life and coexistence on our planet.

Tonight I stand in awe of my Maker. Not just because of the works of His hands, as wonderful and awesome as they are; but because out of all He made He choose us as His Beloved. He gave us dominion of it all. Wow, what a task to be trusted with.

So I will teach my children to revere the works of His hands, and to care for the home He made us. To see His glory in a daisy, or a Golden Eagle flying over head now, so that when they are prepared to 'Go into all the world and share the the Good News' His goodness, and love will resound through their souls. So they will know that not only did He die to rectify our broken relationship and cleans our sins, but He is the great provider. For us and all creation.
1 Response
  1. Joan Says:

    Loved all of it! Thanks for sharing your passion that so clearly seen in your teaching! :)