I have taken to thinking of the time I spend reading Charlotte's books, and books on her Method as long amazing conversations with an old friend. I open the spines with highlighter in hand, and a prayer fresh off my lips; eager to hear what this wise woman has to say. Blessed that she's so candid when sharing that precious wisdom with me.
After all who am I?
I am a mother trying to live simply and do her best by her children. I am a Believer that by the Grace of the One true God gets to start each day a new. I am a Teacher. No, not just any teacher; I have been called to hold the hands of 3 sweet souls as they learn about themselves, the world and the wonderful Creator who formed it all. Oh yes I am more, we all are. All the hats can get exhausting. They can cause us to loose it. They can cause us to question...they often bring me to my knees in frustration and prayer.
...let me back up and say that today was not one of those days. But last night, oh yes. Last night after making peace with my children, and chatting with God I sought out a chat with Charlotte.
It's funny really. When I picture her she's not in a fancy full Victorian dress, she looks like me but older. She's got dirt under her nails (although I know that wouldn't be proper) after all how can you dig around in nature and stay clean? Her hair is tied up, yet somehow a small one has managed to muss it all up. She's laughing, and smiling, and practicing perfect Masterly Inactivity. She draws me in. I want to know her. I want to emulate her. I want to see the changes in my children that she's seen time and again. So when her words speak to me, my breath catches and I try my best to seal them on my heart.
This home school journey has SO much goodness, so many opportunities for grace. The breadth of life is at your child's finger tips everyday, it's so hard knowing what to do. Having a mentor makes this journey easier for me. Sure she says a silly thing now and again to date her; but really what old gal doesn't. The core of her knowledge is sound and based on truth, and as she is quick to remind us "all truths are Gods truths".
So as I battled yesterday to do it all, and lost. God reminded me I am His and the battle is too, my children forgave the short tempered lunatic that took over me, and Charlotte reassured me. Reminding me of a few things she's mentioned over and over again. She didn't raise her voice, or get exasperated with me. No, instead she lowered it to ensure I'd pay full attention THIS time-
Dearest Desiree, let's Review of Six Points Already Considered,
1. The knowledge that is most valuable to a child is what he gets in the open air (with some guidance) by seeing with his own eyes, hearing with his own ears and feeling with his own fingers.
2. School time has no right to steal the time that the child is entitled to have for long hours of daily exercise and discovery.
3. The child should be taken every day, if at all possible, to some scenic place where he can find new things to examine and add to his collection of knowledge. His attention should be drawn to a certain flower or boulder or bird or tree. He should be encouraged to investigate common things in his environment because that will be the foundation of his scientific knowledge.
4. Active, healthy playing is just as important as school lessons for both physical health and mental brain growth. Children need time for both play and lessons.
5. The child should be left to himself a lot, although with supervision. This way he can go off and use the information he has received in his own way, and be more open to the influence of nature.
6. The child's happiness depends on his progress. He should enjoy his lessons, and there should never be friction over schoolwork. (home education pg177-178)
...ah yes. I hear you Charlotte, and I strive to not only listen but apply.
How I love these conversations.
After all who am I?
I am a mother trying to live simply and do her best by her children. I am a Believer that by the Grace of the One true God gets to start each day a new. I am a Teacher. No, not just any teacher; I have been called to hold the hands of 3 sweet souls as they learn about themselves, the world and the wonderful Creator who formed it all. Oh yes I am more, we all are. All the hats can get exhausting. They can cause us to loose it. They can cause us to question...they often bring me to my knees in frustration and prayer.
...let me back up and say that today was not one of those days. But last night, oh yes. Last night after making peace with my children, and chatting with God I sought out a chat with Charlotte.
It's funny really. When I picture her she's not in a fancy full Victorian dress, she looks like me but older. She's got dirt under her nails (although I know that wouldn't be proper) after all how can you dig around in nature and stay clean? Her hair is tied up, yet somehow a small one has managed to muss it all up. She's laughing, and smiling, and practicing perfect Masterly Inactivity. She draws me in. I want to know her. I want to emulate her. I want to see the changes in my children that she's seen time and again. So when her words speak to me, my breath catches and I try my best to seal them on my heart.
This home school journey has SO much goodness, so many opportunities for grace. The breadth of life is at your child's finger tips everyday, it's so hard knowing what to do. Having a mentor makes this journey easier for me. Sure she says a silly thing now and again to date her; but really what old gal doesn't. The core of her knowledge is sound and based on truth, and as she is quick to remind us "all truths are Gods truths".
So as I battled yesterday to do it all, and lost. God reminded me I am His and the battle is too, my children forgave the short tempered lunatic that took over me, and Charlotte reassured me. Reminding me of a few things she's mentioned over and over again. She didn't raise her voice, or get exasperated with me. No, instead she lowered it to ensure I'd pay full attention THIS time-
Dearest Desiree, let's Review of Six Points Already Considered,
1. The knowledge that is most valuable to a child is what he gets in the open air (with some guidance) by seeing with his own eyes, hearing with his own ears and feeling with his own fingers.
2. School time has no right to steal the time that the child is entitled to have for long hours of daily exercise and discovery.
3. The child should be taken every day, if at all possible, to some scenic place where he can find new things to examine and add to his collection of knowledge. His attention should be drawn to a certain flower or boulder or bird or tree. He should be encouraged to investigate common things in his environment because that will be the foundation of his scientific knowledge.
4. Active, healthy playing is just as important as school lessons for both physical health and mental brain growth. Children need time for both play and lessons.
5. The child should be left to himself a lot, although with supervision. This way he can go off and use the information he has received in his own way, and be more open to the influence of nature.
6. The child's happiness depends on his progress. He should enjoy his lessons, and there should never be friction over schoolwork. (home education pg177-178)
...ah yes. I hear you Charlotte, and I strive to not only listen but apply.
How I love these conversations.